Camalote Missions

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Week 1 Complete!

Week number one is complete and I am home safe and sound (for almost 40 hours now). My goal is to do at least one post for each day I was there. When I post them I will date the with the actual date that I am journaling about.

Thursday, August 03, 2006


My wife just found kids t-shirts for $2 and hats for $3 at Old Navy. They were on end of summer clearance so I think she bought a bunch to take down.

The irony is that this clothes could have been manufactured in Honduras or a place like it so that it could be sold back here inexpensively. Now I'm taking it back. I'll have to check the tags and see where they were made.

In Less Than a Day...

At this time tomorrow I will be on a plane heading towards Houston for a quick plane change before the final leg to San Pedro Sula. My bags are about 95% packed. I just have to put in the Bible, razor, toothbrush and other items that can't really be packed until last minute anyway. Everything fit into a single bag plus my carry-on backpack.

Below is one of the gifts I'm taking. We found these "Class of 2006" visor for 10 cents a piece at Michael's, so we bought 10 and some stickers to decorate. My wife is so brilliant, see how she dealt with the "Class of" part of the visor?

Friday, July 28, 2006

T Minus 7 Days

I'm on the first team going to Honduras and we are leaving in seven days. I'm getting excited to go and should start packing.

Since Jerry started this blog (And then I joined), I have thoughts that I have wanted to post, but they haven't translated to paper. Hopefully, I'll be able to think some through and post them.


Friday, July 14, 2006

On the Road to Camalote

I was driving home from work, thinking of getting some rest, running some errands (which include some purchases for the trip to Honduras), and spending some time with friends. I was stopped at a traffic light planning the remainder of my day when I heard brakes hit and tires squealing to a halt. Fortunately, for this young man, my vehicle proved to help his truck stop faster, as my car took most of the impact.

It appears as if I could look at this more than one way:

1.) Be angry with this young man because my vehicle was damaged.

2.) Be more concerned with the health of the other person (Are they OK?), and take care of "facilitating" the exchange of information.

3.) A combination of both.

As I'm looking back on this, I am glad that I chose #2. The next day, I found out that this young man was on his way to admit himself into the hospital for "mental health issues." As I can completely appreciate, a man has to be pretty sure he needs help in order to admit himself to the hospital, and an accident along the way will only help you seal the fate of hating yourself (I will assume that it was some kind of depression type thing). I don't mean to speak light of depression, or any other mental health issues, but it does get me to thinking about what others may think when we say something, when our actions come out a certain way. I think everyone wants to be accepted, loved, and cherished, and if you don't get that, problems arise.

Please pray for this young man, Dan, as he is seeking help for whatever problem he is experiencing. Of what I can see, he needs God.

Also, a distant second to that, please pray that our insurance stuff gets figured out before I leave for Honduras. Dealing with Insurance companies is relatively stressful, and it would be nice to get rid of that anxiety before the trip.



Tuesday, July 11, 2006

A Blog is Born

This is the first entry for a new blog. Stay tuned for more information.